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"Music" Television

Does anyone remember music videos? Artists would take their songs and have a visual presentation produced to go over top of it. Was an interesting concept. What does the "M" in Mtv stand for anyway? At least you can catch a video on VH1 occasionally, as long as it's one of the twenty they're choosing to show this year.

In 1981, I was living in the middle of the desert in Southern California. I was in a community that had cable pumped in because we were too far from anywhere to pick up a braodcast signal (which is why cable was created). I remember one day there was this new channel that showed mostly rock and pop videos, all the time. I remember there was some kind of ban from local advertisers, so all the commercials were muted for the first several months it was on. Yes, the videos could be repetitive sometimes, in fact we usually turned down the tv and up the stereo until there was a video we wanted to see (including a rare Red Barchetta!).

Anyway, I may be dating myself, but I turned on Mtv today and for some reason thought of Martha Quinn. Oh m'gosh.