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Hurricanes and Elephants

Made it to the circus last night, and enjoyed it alot, a little to my surprise. Would have been better if there was a good crowd. The remnants of katrina were centered overhead, and it was raining like hell. The tent- excuse me, big top, was set up in a field at the fairgrounds and was just one huge mud pit. So I think it thwarted the ambitions of many a casual circus-goer. My favorite part? Two words... Performing Pachyderms.

Running Away To the Circus

The circus is in town. Haven't been to one since I was a kid. Looking forward to it in a way. This should be good one too. I actually met with them here at the station when they were placing some advertising, and if you've never met circus folk just know that they are a different breed.

Now I just have to remember to watch out for elephant, tiger, and all kinds of shit. Literally.


StumbleUpon - Structured, Random Surfing

If you're an internet addict like me, and you haven't checked out StumbleUpon, then I have a great idea: check it out. Kind of like, but it's easier to use, and seems to skew to the darker side of the net (if that's of interest to you). It's not another journal to keep, or moblog you have to figure out, it pretty much takes care of itself.

curtain number three

Promised myself not to use any lyrics from the Canadian power trio, Rush, whilst blogging, and I'm not.. quit applauding. However there are many truths (and riddles) embedded therein, and I could use a good dose 'round about now. Suffice it to say that my name is prince and when it come to funk, I am the junky.

comment interface activated

I have no idea if anyone actually comes by here, but I have turned comments back on. Please leave a message, whatever it is, and be sure to tell your friends and loved ones. This is still just an extension of my internet hobby, not a forum for solving all the the world's ills. I am new to this, and would welcome any input, as long as you're nice about it. If this blogging-stuff is as simple as it seems, I'll eventually set one up for work.

chili friggin beer

One of the bigger liquor stores in my littler town finally decided to carry Chili Beer. I have missed this stuff since I came back from California. It's a smaller brewery in Arizona that bottles a whole pepper into a simple pilsner. It is HOT, so you drink more of the cold beer, which is HOT... Excellent.

now with 55% less template

I couldn't stand it. Had to make this page look like I wanted it to. Lots of tweaking of an existing Blogger template, yielded the page you see here. I kinda like it, and it fits in with my 'personal homepage' design. Of course I'll continue to mess with it... Now if only I'd post some regular, actual content.

bookmarking yumminess

what the blog

What's worse than a blogger who forgets to blog, letting his posted blogs become stale?... A blogger who comes back with a self-aware blog about not blogging, like it's some apology for the lack of blogness.