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The New Site

It's done enough to share, but there is still some stuff to do. Actually, it will probably never be done, but just evolve. Check it out, and update links please.


I'm going to leave 'benzine' here on Blogger as the archive of previous messages. I tried to transfer them over to my database, which worked, it was just that the css situation was fubar, so I backed them all out (that was part of the delay). There's not much here that's really earth-shattering anyway. Still just in it as a fun geek-hobby, not so much a chronicle of anything.

See you on the other side.

Onward and Upward

I have not blogged a blog in a long while. That is because I'm moving this blog to a hosted page I've set up, and I have been working on that. It will actually look very similar to this one (at first), and will feature the same riveting content you've come to expect.

I will post that address here, as I get closer to completion.

Have a nice day.